The return of the Caribou Cup in Tremblant!

25th edition of the Caribou Cup
The legendary slush cup!
By Marie-Piere Belisle-Kennedy, ski journalist
It’s five am, and even though registrations won’t start until 9, participants (age 18 and over) are already lined up outside Le P’tit Caribou bar in Tremblant to secure their bibs and be amongst the limited number of keen participants for the slush cup race starting around noon. The reason being that the maximum is most often reached a few minutes after opening!
The annual Caribou Cup is an exciting event not to be missed. The goal is to don your best costumes and head down the course on skis or snowboard (we have even seen a brave mascot on a sit-ski!) with enough speed to manage to cross the 100-foot-long pond at the base of the Flying Mile run. Joshua Wilson, organizer and co-owner of the P’tit Caribou confirms, “There are great prizes to be won and we’re planning fun surprises for this 25th edition!” A very entertaining outdoor event for all with a live band, DJ, pyrotechnics and more! Of course the highlight is the celebration until the wee hours at the bar of the same name.
Huge crowds always turn out for this spring ritual, where the participants often splash the spectators as they fly by! New this year! Half time show with Live Band , One Love Project and cheer the racers as some try to run across the pool on floating mattresses! Sign up on site.
Originally scheduled for April 2020…
the 25th party is set for April 9, 2022!!
See the schedule
Pictures courtesy of Tremblant and Ptit Caribou, and Gary Yee.