Are you on par?

I am currently working on a book with a long time friend of mine, and with two busy entrepreneurs’ schedules to coordinate, it is no easy task to stay on target with our writing and editing assignments. We are both really dedicated to offering this book of insights to others from all walks of life, since it is truly a project “from the heart”. Being on par means different things, mainly to have all your life’s spheres on track with your long term goals. We prepared a simple basic questionnaire that you and your partner need to fill out as a starting point for a discussion, leading to a clear and concise map of where you are and provide immediate solutions. I would greatly recommend that everyone keep a gratitude journal – this free tool can change your life. The invaluable key to keeping your life on par is to keep checking in with yourself on a regular basis, at least twice a year, ideally in a stress free setting away from the daily grind. We like to call these personal retreats, and after 8 years of these I can attest that the process is nothing but enjoyable and effective! Our next writers day is next Friday and I am really excited about working on the next few chapters together. With all this research and interviews, we learn as much as we teach! You will be the first to know the release date of this cherished project of course, and may even be invited to take part in our focus group. Stay tuned!